Services and Clients - Carol Scott Associates
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For museums, the post-Covid ‘new normal’ presents a mixed picture. For many there is reduced funding, fewer staff and more modest programming. At the same time. digital is assuming a more central role in the visitor experience, access and inclusion are paramount and shared direction-setting with communities is reshaping our practice. These times both challenge leadership and present opportunities to make decisions about which values are essential, what impact is feasible and what kind of vision will build resilience.

I bring a high level set of skills and experience to build your future with you. Whether your brief involves a mission/vision reset, strategic planning, impact evaluation, audience building, values branding, policy development or funding, we can work together to make the future one of vision, value and impact.

    Here are some of the clients and projects that I have worked on over the last decade.


    Rijksbanken Jubileumfond, Sweden

    The Riksbanken Jubileumfond (RJ) is the largest, independent funder of humanities and social science research in Sweden. RJ is seeking innovative ways to communicate its funded research to a wider public audience. I am working with them to measure the impact of this programme.


    British Institute at Ankara, Turkey.

    The ‘Safeguarding the Archaeological Assets of Turkey’ (SARAT) project was initiated in Turkey and funded by the Cultural Protection Fund of the British Council. It was a multi-faceted approach to preserving cultural heritage through training, community- based engagement, journalists’ involvement and collectors’ perspectives. I worked with the team to develop an impact evaluation model and was the independent evaluator who wrote the final report.


    Gustavianum Museum, Uppsala University, Sweden.

    The oldest building in the oldest and highest ranking university in Sweden, the Gustavianum Museum is embarking on a major redevelopment programme. I worked with the incoming Director to develop a Strategic plan for the museum’s redevelopment.

    Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives, Victoria, Canada.

    The RBCM is British Columbia’s largest museum. Funded by the provincial government, it has a collection spanning archaeology, anthropology, social history, natural science and the province’s archives. I have worked with RBCM on many projects over several years. In 2018, there were two projects

    • Celebrating 50 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and China: a proposal for a travelling exhibition.
    • RBCM international Strategy.


    Chinese Museums Association, Taipei, Taiwan.

    Public Value: The Chinese Museums Association in Taiwan invited me to present and facilitate workshops on ‘Measuring the Public Value of Museums. During the same visit, I presented a lecture at the National Palace Museum titled ‘Public Value and What the Public Values’.

    In the same year, I was the guest of ICOM Armenia, ICOM CECA and ICOM MPR where, with my colleague Mia Chiovatto, we facilitated a workshop on Designing, Evaluating and Marketing Educational Programs for professionals from a wide cross- section of Armenian museums.

    Royal British Columbia Museum: Data4decisions: corporate use of statistics for decision-making and strategic planning.


    Royal British Columbia Museum: Development of RBCM collection policy and strategy.

    Holocaust Museum Houston. Houston, Texas

    Public Value: I was privileged to work with the Director and the Board at the Holocaust Museum in Houston to develop their approach to building the public value of HMH.


    Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney Australia.

    Public Value Strategy: Making a difference:  a 3 year strategy for building public value at ANMM.


    Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, Australia.

    Project: Organisational re-structure.

    Royal British Columbia Museum:

    Funding: Making the case: a new First Nations Language Gallery.


    Vasa Museum, Stockholm Sweden.

    Audience research: development of an audience research strategy.


    Western Australian Museum, Perth, Australia.

    Strategy: Planning for public value.


    National Army Museum, London, UK.

    Funding: Successful application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for funding to undertake a major capital development.

    Te Papa Tongarewa/ National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.

    Audience development: Using museum and visitor values to build audiences.


    Museum of London, UK.

    Funding: Making the case to sponsors for a new permanent Roman Gallery.

    Museum Centre Vapriikki, Tampere, Finland.

    Audience development: Planning a sustainable approach to audience development.

    Vasa Museum, Stockholm Sweden

    Audience building: Strategic planning for engagement.

    Herculaneum Society, Oxford, UK.

    Planning for membership development.