C.A Scott. Museums, Branding and Value: Harnessing the Future in Communication Oriented Museums (eds. Babic, D. and Uralman, H. ) available at http://ictop.org/resources/publications/
Scott, C. Museums on a tightrope: Balancing value and the bottom line. In Feature report on Museum Marketing: Putting People in the Center, Newsletter of the Chinese Association of Museums, Taipei: Chinese Association of Museums, No. 87, pp. 2-5.
Scott, C. A. ‘Museums and Public Value: taking the pulse’ in Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice (eds. Lindgreen, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Kitchener M., Brewer, J., Moore, M., Meynhardt, T.), Routledge.
Scott, C.A. ‘Museums and Values Branding’ in Communication Oriented Museums: conference papers (Urlham H. & Babic D.), International Council of Museums (in print).
Scott, C. A. ‘Museum measurement: questions of value’, in International Handbook of Museum Studies Volume 2 Museum Practice (ed. Macdonald, S., Leahy, H.R.), Wiley-Blackwell.
Scott, C.A., Dodd, J. and Sandell, R. Cultural Value of Engaging with Museums And Galleries: A Critical Review Of The Literature for the Cultural Value Project.
Scott, C.A. Guest Editor, Emerging Paradigms: national approaches to measuring cultural value, Cultural Trends, Vol 23, Number 2, June 2014, 79-81.
Scott, C. A. (ed) Museums and Public Value: creating sustainable futures. Ashgate. London.
Scott, C.A. ‘Legacy evaluation, London 2012 and the Cultural Olympiad’.
Scott, C. A. ’Searching for the public in Public Value: arts and cultural heritage in Australia’ in Cultural Trends, Volume 19 Issue 4, 273- 289.
Scott, C.A. ‘Museums, the Public and Public Value’ in Journal of Museum Education: Museum Education and Public Value New Ideas and Strategies, Vol. 35, No.1, Spring, pp. 33-42.
Scott, C.A. and Caban, G. ‘Design learning in an Australian museum: a partnership project between the Powerhouse Museum and University Technology, Sydney’ in Extending the Campus: museums and universities working together to support student learning, Ashgate, London, pp. 105-112.
Scott, C.A. (with Soren, B.) Guest Editor for the special issue- Exploring the Value of Museums’ for Museum Management and Curatorship.
Scott, C.A. and Soren, B. ‘Introduction to the special issue- exploring the value of museums’ in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol 24, No. 3, September, pp. 189-193.
Scott, C.A. ‘Exploring the evidence base for museum value’ in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 24, No. 3, September, pp: 195- 213.
Scott, C.A. ‘Using Values to Position and Promote Museums’ in the International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, Fall, pp. 28-41.
Scott, C.A. ‘Branding Museums’ in Museum Marketing: Competing in a Global Marketplace (eds) Rentschler R. & Hede A.M. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam, pp. 169-185.
Scott, C.A. ‘Museums: Impact and Value’ in Cultural Trends, Vol. 15(1), No. 57, March 2006, pp. 45–75.
Scott, C.A. ‘Australian Museums and Social Inclusion’ in Curator: the Museum Journal, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2005, pp. 36-41.
Scott, C.A. ‘The Olympics in Australia: museums meet mega and hallmark events’ inThe International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall, pp.34-44.
Scott, C.A. Guest Editor for Curator — The Museum Journal, vol. 47, no. 2, April 2004.
Scott, C.A., Falk, J., Dierking, L, Rennie, L. and Cohen-Jones. M. ‘Interactives and Visitor Learning’ in Curator — The Museum Journal, vol. 47, no. 2, April, pp. 171-192.
Scott, C.A. Australian Museums and Indigenous Communities Now in Our Place:
Indigenous Communities Now (ed Steve Miller), Sydney: Powerhouse Publishing, pp 103-6.
Scott, Carol A., Caban, G., Falk, J., Dierking, L.Museums and Creativity: the role of museums in design education, Powerhouse Publishing, Sydney.
Scott, C.A. ‘Museums and Impact’ in Curator- The Museum Journal, Vol. 46, no. 3, July, pp. 293-310.
Scott, C.A. ‘1000 Years of the Olympic Games: Treasures of Ancient Greece- A study of audiences and impact’ in Sport and Festival in the Ancient Greek World , (eds.) D. Phillips and D. Pritchard (eds), The Classical Press of Wales, Swansea, pp. 395-402
Scott, C. A. and Burton, C. ‘Museums: Challenges for the 21st century’ in The International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 5 no. 2, Winter, pp. 56-68.
Scott, C. A. ‘Measuring Social Value’ in Museums, Society and Inequality, (ed. Richard Sandell), Routledge, London, pp. 41-55.
Scott, Carol A. ‘Heritage Marketing in the Not-for Profit Sector: The Case for Branding’ in Archaeological Displays and the Public, (ed. Paulette McManus) Archetype Publications, London, 2000, pp. 115-124.
Scott, Carol A. ‘Branding: Positioning Museums in the 21st Century’ in International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, Spring, pp. 35-39.
Scott, Carol A., Lynch, R. Burton, C., Wilson, P. Smith, P. Leisure and Change: implications for museums in the 21st century, Powerhouse Publishing and University Technology, Sydney.