Presentations & Publications - Carol Scott Associates
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Leadership panel. Sustainability and Leadership. International Museums Day Symposium. Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, 18th May 2023.

Fireside chat. Branding and positioning challenges facing museums and the performing arts: past, present, future. The Culture Academy. Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, 17th May 2023.

Introduction to the seminar. Museums, Decolonisation and Restitution: a global conversation. ICOM-IMREC Expert seminar. University of Shanghai, 20th-21st March.


Invited Keynote. Strategic Planning for House Museums. 8th Annual Meeting of House Museums, Mexico City, Mexico, 15th November 2022.

Presentation of the Executive Board Code of Conduct to the General Assembly at ICOM Prague, The Power of Museums, 24th August 2022.

Moderator, A keynote conversation with Lonnie Bunch III and Hilary Carty OBE on ‘Seeking effective leadership in exceptional times’ to the Conference Plenary at ICOM Prague, The Power of Museums, 23rd August 2022.

Presentation of the ICOM Strategic Plan 2022-28 to the General Assembly at ICOM Prague, The Power of Museums, 23rd August 2022.

Moderator, A conversation with Seb Chan and Antje Schmidt on Museum, Leadership and Digital, INTERCOM at ICOM Prague, The Power of Museums, 22nd August 2022.

Roundtable presentation, The ICOM External Review: key recommendations and next steps, at ICOM Prague, The Power of Museums, 21st August 2022.


Presentation, The case for museums and sustainability to the International Symposium on Museums and Sustainability, 21st-23rd November 2021, Shanghai Natural History Museum, Shanghai, China.

Keynote (with Lizzy Moriarty), Leading in our times: findings from the INTERCOM Global Museum Leadership Project, INTERCOM conference, 15th October 2021, Baku, Azerbaijan.

Museum Leadership. Carol Scott interviewed by Diana Fehr, Founder MuseoSpace. 31 March 2021.


Invited Keynote. Museum Issues and Research Futures. Launch of the ICOM International Museums Research and Education Centre, 10th December 2020, Shanghai China.

Museums and Meta-Narratives. Carol Scott interviewed by Dr. Joy Hsin. . MPR 7.5 Challenge. 26th August 2020

Invited Presentation: Taking the Museum to the People Panel Discussion 27th May 2020.


What Next? Panel Discussion at Co-Creating Insights Forum and Book Launch of Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, Wales, 1st July.

Chair: How 3D can shape our experiences in museums. Do Not Touch? 3D in Museums Conference. Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge University. 3rd June 2019.

Connections, conversations, changeICOM Executive Update. Presentation to ICOM US Luncheon and Business Meeting. American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting. New Orleans. 20th May.


Sustaining museums: new issues, new models. No Margin, No Mission. ICOM MPR conference. Chicago, USA.  8th-11th October 2018.

Museums, values and branding: harnessing the future. Paper for the Communication- Oriented Museums conference. Istanbul, Turkey. 25th-26th   May 2018.


Beyond the walls: marketing the social agenda of museums. Paper for ICOM MPR Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 1st -5th October 2017.

International partnerships. Invited keynote. Sailing for More conference. Ningbo, China. 10th July 2017.


Marketing Controversy. Selected presentation. ICOM Marketing and Public Relations conference ‘Emerging trends’. Yerevan, Armenia. 24th-28th October 2015.

Measuring Social Value. Invited presentation. Museums and Galleries Scotland conference ‘Fighting Fit: ready for anything’. Edinburgh, Scotland. 22nd October 2015.

Keeping afloat: knowing and using value. Invited keynote. Maritime Heritage Forum. Newcastle. 5th October 2015.

Museums, impact and value. Invited keynote. GEM education and learning in museums conference. Swansea. 8th September 2015.

Evidencing change: how do museums measure social value? With Randi Korn and Deborah Schwartz. American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. 27th April 2015.

The Cultural Value of Engaging with Museums and Galleries. Research Centre for Museums and Galleries in the Museum Studies Building at the University of Leicester. 25th February 2015.


Models, methods and matters: national approaches to measuring cultural value. Conference for the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Measuring the impacts of cultural heritage value: tools for evidence based policies. Rome. 13th October 2014.

New trends: social change, museum brands and public value. ICOM MPR conference on Museum Branding. Taichung. Taiwan. 3rd September 2014.

Museums and Public Value. FARO, Brussels Belgium. 29th April 2014.


Museums, Value and Social Change. Paper presented for INTERCOM/ FIHRM at the International Council of Museums conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 14th August2013.

Shifting perspectives: What audience research tells us about public perceptions of science museums and science centres. Keynote for MPR/ CIMUSET at the International Council of Museums conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 13th August 2013.

The value of value for museum leadership. Leadership and Management Professional Practice Group. American Alliance of Museums Conference. Baltimore USA. 21st May 2013.

NPO, NO Mo? NO Way!’. Leadership sessions with Mike Houlihan (Te Papa Tongarewa), Patricia Mooradian (The Henry Ford), Arthur Cohen (LaPlacaCohen). American Alliance of Museums Conference. Baltimore, USA. 21st May 2013.


The Olympics, London 2012 and Legacy Evaluation. ‘Measuring Impact and Legacy Evaluation’ seminar at Cities University. London. 25th June 2012.

Measuring the Value of Museums: challenges, contradictions and convergence. Finnish Museums Association Annual Conference. Joensuu, Finland. 10th May 2012.

Measuring Public Value in the ‘Implementing Public Value: empowering leadership’ session at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, USA. 1st May 2012.

Chair: Museums as values brands. Branding: a two-way street session. American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, USA. 30th April 2012.


Measuring the immeasurable: capturing intangible values. Marketing and Public Relations Committee of the International Council of Museums. Brno, Czech Republic. 19th September 2012.

Museums and value: towards a common approach. Making a case: museum value and visitor studies symposium. Museum & Heritage Studies, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. 26th  August 2011.

Evaluation, evidence and advocacy. Paper presented at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Houston, USA. 24th May 2011.

Chair: Creating the museum of the future through Public Value. American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Houston, USA. 24th May 2011.


A two way- conversationusing motivational research for communications, audience building and Public Value. Paper presented at the International Council of Museums Triennial Conference MPR. Shanghai, China. 9th November 2010.

Chair: Changing roles of museums: approaching controversy- neutral spaces or political places? International Council of Museums Triennial Conference INTERCOM. Shanghai, China. 9th November 2010.

Influencing decision-makers: evidence of museum contributions. Paper presented at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, USA. 23rd May 2010.

Museums, learning and proving what we do best. Paper presented at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, USA. 26th May 2010.


Audiences, value and the future of museums: a partnership with the public. International Congress of Maritime Museums. Esberg, Denmark. 6th October 2009.

Measuring social value and learning in museums. Museum Educators of Southern California Conference, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Los Angeles, USA. 5th June 2009.

Exploring the evidence base for museum value. Paper presented at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. 30th April 2009.


Valuing museums: the public perspective. Paper presented at the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting. Denver, USA. 27th April 2008.

Planning to achieve results for museums and refugees. Museums and Refugees: keeping cultures conference at the Museum in Docklands, London. 13th March 2008.


Museums and the Olympic Games: the Sydney experience. Museums Association forum, Museums as tourist destinations, British Museum, London, 10th December 2007.

What difference do museums makeA typology of museum value. Museums and Galleries Services Queensland conference. Beyond Visitor Numbers. Gold Coast, Queensland. 14th September 2007.

What difference do museums make? Using values in sector branding and public marketing. Paper presented at the International Council of Museums Triennial Conference MPR. Vienna, Austria. 20th August 2007.

Advocating value: a new language for museums. Paper presented at the International Council of Museums Triennial Conference INTERCOM. Vienna 20th August 2007.



Scott, C.A. and Welch, K. Plus ça change? Women, Property and Western Civilization in Women Wealth and Property in the Roman Republic, Webb, L. and Steel, C (eds), Cambridge University Press.


Scott, Carol, A. 2024. ‘Introduction’. Decolonisation, restitution and museums: A Global Conversation. Shanghai: Shanghai University Press. Pp 12-21.

Scott, Carol, A. 2024. ‘Museum leadership: Where to from here?’ International perspectives on museum management, edited by Darko Babic, pp 7-19. London: ICOM Routledge


Scott, C.A. Beyond the Walls: demonstrating the social impact of museums is critical to their success in Museum, March/April, pp. 34-39.


C.A Scott. Museums, Branding and Value: Harnessing the Future in Communication Oriented Museums (eds. Babic, D. and Uralman, H. ) available at


Scott, C. Museums on a tightrope: Balancing value and the bottom line. In Feature report on Museum Marketing: Putting People in the Center, Newsletter of the Chinese Association of Museums, Taipei: Chinese Association of Museums, No. 87, pp. 2-5.

Scott, C. A. ‘Museums and Public Value: taking the pulse’ in Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice (eds. Lindgreen, A., Koenig-Lewis, N., Kitchener M., Brewer, J., Moore, M., Meynhardt, T.), Routledge.

Scott, C.A. ‘Museums and Values Branding’ in Communication Oriented Museums: conference papers (Urlham H. & Babic D.), International Council of Museums (in print).


Scott, C. A. ‘Museum measurement: questions of value’, in International Handbook of Museum Studies Volume 2 Museum Practice (ed. Macdonald, S., Leahy, H.R.), Wiley-Blackwell.


Scott, C.A., Dodd, J. and Sandell, R. Cultural Value of Engaging with Museums And Galleries: A Critical Review Of The Literature for the Cultural Value Project.

Scott, C.A. Guest Editor, Emerging Paradigms: national approaches to measuring cultural value, Cultural Trends, Vol 23, Number 2, June 2014, 79-81.


Scott, C. A. (ed) Museums and Public Value: creating sustainable futures. Ashgate. London.

Scott, C.A. ‘Legacy evaluation, London 2012 and the Cultural Olympiad’.


Scott, C. A. ’Searching for the public in Public Value: arts and cultural heritage in Australia’ in Cultural Trends, Volume 19 Issue 4, 273- 289.

Scott, C.A. ‘Museums, the Public and Public Value’ in Journal of Museum Education: Museum Education and Public Value New Ideas and Strategies, Vol. 35, No.1, Spring, pp. 33-42.

Scott, C.A. and Caban, G. ‘Design learning in an Australian museum: a partnership project between the Powerhouse Museum and University Technology, Sydney’ in Extending the Campus: museums and universities working together to support student learning, Ashgate, London, pp. 105-112.


Scott, C.A. (with Soren, B.) Guest Editor for the special issue- Exploring the Value of Museums’ for Museum Management and Curatorship.

Scott, C.A. and Soren, B. ‘Introduction to the special issue- exploring the value of museums’ in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol 24, No. 3, September, pp. 189-193.

Scott, C.A. ‘Exploring the evidence base for museum value’ in Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 24, No. 3, September, pp: 195- 213.


Scott, C.A. ‘Using Values to Position and Promote Museums’ in the International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, Fall, pp. 28-41.


Scott, C.A. ‘Branding Museums’ in Museum Marketing: Competing in a Global Marketplace (eds) Rentschler R. & Hede A.M. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam, pp. 169-185.


Scott, C.A. ‘Museums: Impact and Value’ in Cultural Trends, Vol. 15(1), No. 57, March 2006, pp. 45–75.


Scott, C.A. ‘Australian Museums and Social Inclusion’ in Curator: the Museum Journal, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2005, pp. 36-41.

Scott, C.A. ‘The Olympics in Australia: museums meet mega and hallmark events’ inThe International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, Fall, pp.34-44.


Scott, C.A.  Guest Editor for Curator — The Museum Journal, vol. 47, no. 2, April 2004.

Scott, C.A., Falk, J., Dierking, L, Rennie, L. and Cohen-Jones. M. ‘Interactives and Visitor Learning’ in Curator — The Museum Journal, vol. 47, no. 2, April, pp. 171-192.

Scott, C.A. Australian Museums and Indigenous Communities Now in Our Place:
Indigenous Communities Now (ed Steve Miller), Sydney: Powerhouse Publishing, pp 103-6.


Scott, Carol A., Caban, G., Falk, J., Dierking, L.Museums and Creativity: the role of museums in design education, Powerhouse Publishing, Sydney.

Scott, C.A. ‘Museums and Impact’ in Curator- The Museum Journal, Vol. 46, no. 3, July, pp. 293-310.

Scott, C.A. ‘1000 Years of the Olympic Games: Treasures of Ancient Greece- A study of audiences and impact’ in Sport and Festival in the Ancient Greek World , (eds.) D. Phillips and D. Pritchard (eds), The Classical Press of Wales, Swansea, pp. 395-402

Scott, C. A. and Burton, C. ‘Museums: Challenges for the 21st century’ in The International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 5 no. 2, Winter, pp. 56-68.


Scott, C. A. ‘Measuring Social Value’ in Museums, Society and Inequality, (ed. Richard Sandell), Routledge, London, pp. 41-55.


Scott, Carol A. Heritage Marketing in the Not-for Profit Sector: The Case for Branding’ in Archaeological Displays and the Public, (ed. Paulette McManus) Archetype Publications, London, 2000, pp. 115-124.

Scott, Carol A. ‘Branding: Positioning Museums in the 21st Century’ in International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, Spring, pp. 35-39.

Scott, Carol A., Lynch, R. Burton, C., Wilson, P. Smith, P. Leisure and Change: implications for museums in the 21st century, Powerhouse Publishing and University Technology, Sydney.